Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thirty Day Photo Challenge!- Day Five: Water

Wow- I am way overdue with this!

"Today's" photo is water.  I'm not posting the expected picture of the ocean (like I ever go there...) or lake (in Florida? Yeah right..).

Every year for my birthday since I was 18, my mom has given me a "Supermarket Sweep" of sorts.  The rules were simple:  I had one grocery cart.  I could put whatever I wanted in it.  It could not pass the top of the cart (yes, Momma carried a tape measure...still does!) and the bottom was only for toilet paper, paper towels, and soda.  The first year, I was so excited I just started throwing stuff in and I think the total bill was around $150 or something like that.  After that year, I got really smart about it!  I would fit things into that cart like a jigsaw puzzle and every year, the total kept going up (much to my Mom's horror/delight).  We always have a great time- it is a lot of fun for them to heckle me while I carefully place stuff in the buggy and there are always many laughs!

This year, we did things a little differently.  Since the whole couponing phenomenon has happened, and my Momma and I both attended a couponing class by my friend, Kathering, we decided that this year we would mix it up.  We combined our coupons and Momma gave me the amount of money that I spend on my trip last year.  Well, between the last couple of days and multiple trips to Winn Dixie, Publix, CVS and Walgreens...I have spent only 3/4 of the money I spent last year...and have saved over $250 so far!  Best Supermarket Sweep yet.

For this reason, my water picture...

And there's more where that came from!  :)  Parents- this is a great idea for college students...just sayin'!

Hope everyone has a great day!  

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