Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween Fun!

Pirates & princesses, wizards & witches and of course...tons and tons of CANDY!  This year's Halloween was a lot of fun.  Although the weather really didn't want to be anything but rainy & gloomy, that didn't stop the everlasting childlike (ok, who are we too!) need for candy!

We dressed up at Starbucks (does everyone know that I manage the best Starbucks around?  Well I do!) and my partners looked AWESOME!  There was a trick-or-treat event at the Promenade, an outdoor mall where my Starbucks is located, and a couple of my baristas came to hand out candy and "ooh" and "ah" at all of the cute costumes!

The PERFECT Peter Pan!

Christina & Andrea came as Peter Pan & Wendy to hand out candy to the kids!

Ella, Stephanie & Christina- the closing crew!

Cutest Luigi I've ever seen!

Meghan kept handing customers Butterfingers telling them to "Take one Butterfinger and call me in the morning!" 

Even the customers got dressed up!  When I freaked out over this customer as Woody in my Disney tourist costume, it was pretty funny!
"She's a maaaniac!" Yes, she did the flashdance!
Autograph book and annoying backpack are also included with the costume!

 Later that evening, my nephews came trick-or-treating at my house and scared the crap outta me!  I just want to know what happened to the days when they dressed up as Winnie the Pooh, Buzz Lightyear or just a good ol' pirate??  Nevertheless, they were still cute to me!

Pretty close to my actual reaction!

 All in all, it was a great Halloween!  Now someone come eat this leftover candy at my house, before I do! :)

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