One of my favorite series of all time is the Baby-Sitters Club by Ann M. Martin. I had every single book in this collection- this includes 132 regular books, 15 Super Specials, 26 Mystery books, 4 Super Mysteries, 3 Special Editions and 6 Portrait Collections.
I loved these books more than anything and could not get enough. I asked for the books for my birthday and Christmas; I saved my allowance so that I could get new ones whenever we'd go to the bookstore. I remember propping the book behind my cereal bowl in the morning so that I could read a few more pages before school. My love for these books is real and it's deep.
You can imagine my excitement and pure joy when they announced that they were making a Baby-Sitters Club movie...a MOVIE! Ohhhh my goodness, I could barely contain myself. I started re-reading the books and counting down the days until I could finally put a face to the ones I had painted in my head for so long.
The day had come. I was in the car headed to Hot Springs (the nearest town w/a movie theater) and I was bouncing in my seat, I was so excited. The movie started and I held my breath. About 20 minutes (okay maybe I breathed a little in between) into the movie, it came whooshing out of me in disappointment. It was just all wrong...the baby-sitters didn't look right, the kids didn't look right, Kristy wasn't bossy enough, Stacey wasn't sophisticated enough and the list went on and on. It was a huge letdown (well, for a 12 year old, at least) and I remember feeling cheated out of my imagination.
I think this caused me to be very wary of book series that are turned into a movie franchise. Luckily for me, I didn't read Harry Potter or Twilight until AFTER the first movie had come out. This meant that the character's images were already in my head when I read and the books and that I'm saving myself from the heartbreak of the movie creators' failure to recreate my brain in their films.
On that note, I am very excited for THIS to start:
The bottom line is, books will always be #1 in my matter what number their movies are in the box office.
Have a great day, y'all! Now go read a great book!