Friday, November 4, 2011

Thirty Day Photo Challenge!- Day Two: What I Wore

Today's photo brings me the opportunity to tell you about my job and why I love it!  A few years ago, I was working as a junior recruiter at a staffing agency.  The office I worked in was nice and my coworkers were fun ladies.  Sebastian and I had just gotten married and we were living in an apartment right next to a Starbucks.  I don't particularly enjoy coffee (still don't), but one day I saw a "Now Hiring" sign in their window.  We had been saving money to take a Disney trip for Sebastian's birthday in June, so I thought it might be good to get a part-time job just temporarily to have a little extra spending money for the trip!  Little did I know, it would turn into so much more.

I started the job and loved it.  Instead of being chained to my desk on the phone or computer all day, I was running around the store making drinks, doing dishes, counting money, etc.  Now, while this may not sound very exciting to some people, it was such a drastic change from what I was used to at the office and I found myself really looking forward to 5 o'clock when I could get out of there and go into Starbucks.  I am very outgoing, so the interaction I had with not only the customers, but with my new coworkers was something I realized I had been missing.  When it came down to it, I was 100% happier at Starbucks than I knew I would ever be at my office job.  I talked with my manager at Starbucks about getting on the path to move up in management (something I had never done!) and she was all for it.

So...I made the switch.  Let me tell you, it was ROUGH.  I had been with the office job for about 3 years,  and was only a barista at Starbucks, so the pay cut was intense.  But luckily, my wonderful husband supported me and knew that this was what was going to make me happy.  We crunched numbers and worked it out.  We were tight for awhile, but it was okay!  About a month after I switched to full-time at Starbucks, I was promoted to shift supervisor.  One year after that, I became an assistant manager, and one year after that, I became a store manager.  I opened up a brand new store and have been there for almost 3 years now.  I love what I do and really feel like I've found something that I'm good at.  And my partners ("Starbucks" for employees) have become my true second family.

For this reason, today I wore...proudly...

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